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Dog Grooming Terms and Conditions

Health: The customer must disclosed and continue to disclose on an ongoing basis, any and all medical or other conditions or behavioural issues that may affect the pet. Treatment to sick and/or elderly pets is entirely at the owners risk. Our treatments may expose underlying skin or other health issues for which we cannot be held responsible or liable.

-The groomer may take the pet to a qualified veterinarian for any veterinary treatment required should an emergency situation arise whilst the pet is in the groomers care.


Matting: The owner must understand that: severe matting can lead to discomfort, major skin irritations and infections: brushing to eliminate matting can cause areas of dermatitis, irritation, brush-burn, nicks and cuts and can be tedious and stressful to the animal; if severe matting is found, it may be necessary to shave off the coat. This will dramatically change the pets appearance. Whilst the groomer will use specialised equipment and extreme caution, shaving may cause irritation to the skin; shaving and brushing out are time consuming and may incur an additional cost.


Payment: Payment must be made on collection of the pet. Payment is accepted in cash only. Some pets will require additional treatments over and above that booked. If that is the case, we will advise the owner by telephone of any additional costs associated with such additional treatments and this agreement will stand varied by the owners acceptance of such additional treatment at the rates described.


Aggressive pets: The groomer may groom the pet, based on the owners given requirements and may use a muzzle if they feel it is required

The groomer has the right to refuse or withdraw service for any reason, including if the pet cannot be groomed safely without danger to the groomer/ employees, the pet itself; aggressive behaviour from customers will not be tolerated.


Cancellations: We require at least 24 hours advance notice if the owner wishes to cancel a booking. If 24 hours advance notice cannot be given, for whatever reason, we reserve the right to make a charge to the owner of £10.00 ( Ten pounds).


Punctuality: If the owner is late in presenting the pet for treatment booked, it may be necessary for us to arrange an alternative time and date for the owners pet to receive treatment. We reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee in accordance to the above.

I agree the groomer may use the information supplied on this form for administration, statistical analysis and marketing purposes. I understand the groomer will not give my details to any third party except the vet in the event of an emergency.


We take photos of your pets that may be used as promotional material and for training and development purposes we do not disclose any personal information other then the pets first name. If you do not want us to take or use photos of your pets please make the groomer aware upon booking and bringing your pet to us.

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